Sunday, July 2, 2017

Day 43 - South Brook to Grand Falls-Windsor

86.30 km - Total so far 2,830.10 km


We survived the Environment Canada Frost Warning for last night. Actually with the sleeping set up we have (home sewn quilt, merino wool underwear and hats) we kind of like it when it is a bit chilly at night. It beats suffocating heat!

Today the destination was Grand Falls-Windsor, 83 kilometres away. We left under overcast skies and it never got really warm. The rain held off until the final 20 kilometres or so. We are starting to see a lot more tourist traffic now that school is over. 

The Exploits River behind Hélène
Now that we both have started reading the book that Gilbert gave us yesterday, we are now looking at the Newfoundland forest differently. We noticed today that for about the first 30 or so kilometres, the forest consisted mainly of coniferous trees. This was followed by a thinning of the forest and the appearance of wetlands for roughly 10 - 15 kilometres and finally, for the last bits mostly deciduous trees. 

Along the ditch, Hélène noticed the blue flower seen in the picture below. This type of flower was present pretty much everywhere we looked. Once it was decided that we wanted a picture, wouldn't you know it, the flower disappeared for a good 5 kilometres. If you see something you like take the picture right away!

We think this is a Blue Flag Iris

The mandatory picture of rushing water. It is just not
the same without the sound
We increased our count of live moose observed. Hélène spotted one in the tree line. I was told:"It was a big one!" I did not see it as I was occupied being alert for passing traffic....that is my story and I am sticking to it. We now have seen a total of three moose on this trip. That is 300% more than on any of our previous trips put together.

When there is little spectacular to look at, we try to keep things interesting by doing other things. Today it was looking for blue flowers. Since it was a Sunday, there was not much truck traffic and we did our best to give the "thumbs up" to truckers. Many responded by tooting their horn. 

With a forecast of lots of rain and colder weather, we exercised the "motel" option of our accommodation plan. As soon as the weather improves, we will be back in the tent.
53.62 miles - Total so far 1,758.54 miles

1 comment:

  1. From bear spotting to moose spotting - Hélène is exceedingly versatile.
