Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Day 18 - Tabusiniac to Black River Bridge (South of Miramichi)

89.20 km - Total so far 1,395.80 km 


Our campground last evening was 4.5 kilometer from the main road and not 2.5 kilometer as indicated by Google. We had a restful evening and the low temperature of 4 degrees Celsius during the night kept the mosquitoes away.

The plan today was to get to Camping Miramichi located South of the town of Miramichi. The ride today was more mental than physical as there was precious little to see but asphalt and trees. We stopped for a picture in Neguac that is considered the North American capital of those whose family name is "Savoie".

The "Savoie" clan was started by one individual named "Francois Savoie"

The most exciting thing we saw on Hwy 11 all day, a
big sign with flashing yellow lights

A large fixer upper on a corner lot, former court house
for $149,000 in Miramichi. It has been on the market for 10 years.
Some conditions apply

Ritchie Wharf. Crews were busy getting ready for the tourist season

Because there was little to see or do on the ride today, Helene suggested that instead of stopping a Tim Horton's or a like establishment, we have a picnic. In Miramichi, we stopped at Ritchie Wharf and had ourselves cheese amuse-gueule, oatmeal and a cup of tea. We will always remember as it is the place we had to do a a 20 or so kilometer detour as bicycles and pedestrians are not allowed on the main bridge on Highway 11.

Your blog writer making grilled cheese amuse-gueule

A tall ship look alike. There was no description whatsoever on site of
what we were looking at

Hélène on the detour bridge having a rest and looking back fondly(ha!, ha!) at Miramichi

We finally got to our campground at about 5:30 pm and opted to spend the night in a tree house instead of our tent. 

55.43 miles - Total so far 867.31 miles


  1. Le clan Savoie! J'ai une bonne amie qui fait partie de ce clan et qui demeure à Tracadie-Sheila" Nous (avec papa et maman) y avons demeuré lors du grand Tintamarre (fête des Acadiens) en 2009. Très beau coin de pays! Nous avions aussi été ramasser des moules dans ce coin-là!

  2. A tree house sounds fantastic! I hope you had a great night. -- Wendy Scott-Raymond

  3. You slept in a tree house? What was that like? Claire
